Our firm is run mostly by young people.
It’s not unusual for a staff member to ask my advice about feeling challenged by older, more experienced clients. I always tell them to do what I did when I was similarly challenged early in my career: out-hustle and out-learn everybody in your path. It’s easier than you might think.
Ironically, as someone who is now “more advanced” in my career, I get challenged from people on the younger end of the spectrum now and then. As a co-founder of a digital marketing firm, it made me sensitive at first…until I realized that I routinely apply the same advice that I give to my younger staff members when faced with ageism: OUT-HUSTLE & OUT-LEARN.
In the end, it’s up to all of us, no matter our age, our background, or what we look like…those who out-hustle and out-learn will always be relevant.